Release Date/Time:\ 5/21/2021 11:50 AM
Incident: May 24-June 6 is Click it or Ticket Seat Belt Campaign
Date:\ Monday May 24 – June 6 2021
Location: City of Salinas
The Salinas Police Department encourages the public to wear a seat belt and keep children secured in child safety seats.
This year’s Click it or Ticket campaign is from May 24-June 6. During this time, the Salinas Police Department will actively look for drivers and passengers who are not wearing a seat belt. This includes drivers who do not secure children in child safety seats.
“Wearing a seat belt is the easiest and safest way to protect yourself in a vehicle,” Salinas Police Department, Public Information Officer, Miguel Cabrera said. “It only takes a few seconds and is your best defense in the event of a crash.”
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), of the 22,215 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019, 43% (9,466) were not wearing seat belts. In 2019, 620 passengers killed in crashes across California were not wearing a seat belt.
California law requires a child to be properly secured in a car or booster seat in the back seat, until they are at least 8 years of age or at least 4’9” tall. Children under the age of 2 shall ride in a rear-facing seat unless child weighs 40 or more pounds or is 40 or more inches tall.
California has a primary seat belt law, which allows law enforcement officers to ticket someone for not wearing a seat belt without committing another traffic violation.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Release Authorized by: Miguel Cabrera
Telephone: 758-7289