Release Date/Time: 2/27/2021 12:06 PM
Incident: DUI Collision with Patrol Car
Date: Saturday, 2/27/2021
Time: 12:04 AM
Location: John Street/101 Off-ramp
Officer responding to an emergency call struck by a DUI driver.
Last night at approximately 12:04 AM, an officer was responding Code 3 (lights and siren) to assist officers who were in a struggle with a fighting suspect. The officer was traveling westbound on John St. and was approaching the southbound off-ramp when a DUI driver made an illegal left turn and crashed into the responding police unit. The collision resulted in significant damage to the police vehicle, leaving it with a bent axle and inoperable. The DUI driver did not stop to help the officer and immediately fled the scene. The officer was able to broadcast a description of the driver and suspect vehicle as it fled.
Other officers located the suspect at Kern and East Market Street. The DUI driver, 25-year-old Lyric Renee Slade-Southall, was arrested for DUI, and Felony Hit and Run Resulting in Injury. A DUI investigation was completed and Slade-Southhall was found to be over twice the legal limit. She was booked into County Jail.
The officer involved in the collision was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital and was released. Thankfully, she is doing well.
The DUI driver not only injured an officer but kept that officer and others from being able to respond to the original call. Fortunately, there were plenty of other on-duty officers available to help.
Release Authorized by: Cmdr. John C. Murray
Telephone: (831) 758-7350